At first I wasn't very enthusiastic about painting this scorpion— it looked pretty drab. But the longer I stared at the reference photo and layered timid washes of ink over…
The Fuzzy or Crusty Golden Nautilus looks like most other nautiluses I've seen, except for the layer of thick yellow slime coating about half of its shell, so from what…
This pudgy little dragon-headed caterpillar will grow up to be a Common Nawab Butterfly someday. See a photo of their future self here. I'm definitely coloring this one in, with…
I've always thought ctenophores (comb jellies, not jellyfish!) look really pretty, and it's challenging to paint something almost completely transparent without making it look too flat. Also I'm feeling spacey…
This was a challenging one for Invertober! I don't care for slugs or overripe bananas, and yellow/brown is an icky color combination. So I leaned into the grossness and painted…
Invertober got me to paint more butterflies than I ever have before! Here is the reference photo I used (figure 4, and it's the ventral side- the dorsal side is…
Invertober day 4 (I didn't draw all of them) The Bigfin Reef Squid is also known as the ✨glitter squid✨ Here is the original ink painting that I might color…
Day 2's Invertober illustration was the Giant African Millipede, which I have met at a couple of zoos before and would rather take care of this guy than the Giant…
I still like picking a drawing challenge to try and complete each October, especially now that Inktober has splintered and spawned hundreds of themes to choose from, each one enticing…
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