Here is the last illustration or sketch for the Invertober series, where I painted a different invertebrate every day in the month of October (most of it!) This already feels like forever ago considering what’s happened to Twitter, which is where I posted all of these illustrations first. I’m staying there until it becomes unusable and/or a ghost town- I signed up for Mastodon so far but it feels like both of the above already! What I’d really like to do is post all my new work here, archaic as it is, and then use all that saved time to actually paint more and maybe take a class or two at the library.
Anyway, you also could spend that time reading about the Jewel Caterpillar, which looks like it’s made from blown glass and its pattern would make a trippy looking pipe or bong, so long as you don’t make all the little glass bits too pointy.
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